Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Make the Most of Your High School Orientation

How to Make the Most of Your High School Orientation The start of high school is often accompanied by apprehension, excitement, and plenty of questions. Luckily, high school orientation is a great opportunity for students to learn all there is to know about available extracurriculars, where classes are located, and what to expect during the first few weeks of the year. When looking to make the most of your high school orientation, review the days schedule, interact with other students, and ensure you bring any necessary items. Hoping to start the school year off on the right foot? Keep reading to learn how to make the most of your high school orientation. High school orientation tip #1: prepare the evening before A bit of preparation the evening before high school orientation can help to calm your nerves and provide you with an idea of whats to come. Most high schools will give you an orientation schedule, for example. Its always helpful to be aware of any activities or tasks that will occur during the day, such as getting your school ID picture taken. You might also have to bring some materials with youset those out the night before so you dont forget them in the morning. [RELATED: 4 Things to Know Before Starting High School] High school orientation tip #2: tackle logistics High school orientation is a great opportunity to take care of several key tasks, such as: Obtaining your fall class schedule Getting your student ID card Scoping out the location of your classes and locker Setting up a school email address Remember, teachers and faculty members are there to help you get settled so you can do your best academically. Ask them questions if you have them. Note that the people in the main office are usually very eager to help new students. High school orientation tip #3: review your schedule Take time during high school orientation to check out your schedule and note the room numbers of your classes. Then, take some time to tour the campus and find out where your classrooms are, especially in relation to your locker. Be sure to place your class schedule in an easily accessible place, such as your locker or the inside of a binder. This all can help you feel less nervous during your first week of school as youre figuring everything out. Also locate other important school areas, such as the cafeteria, library, and gym. [RELATED: How to Maximize Your High School Extracurriculars] High school orientation tip #4: interact with other students If you dont know anyone, its a great idea to start a conversation with someone new. Its not as scary as it seemsit can be as simple as asking a question about your new high school or what classes theyre taking. Additionally, many high schools will have older students working at the orientationask them any questions you may have or advice they have for you in your first week. [RELATED: 5 Qualities of Outstanding High School Leaders] High school orientation tip #5: stay positive Orientation can be nerve-racking, especially in a new school with a plethora of new students. However, remembering that everyone else is new as well can be helpful. Everyone is feeling just as nervous as you, even if you cant tell. Having a positive attitude can open you up to learning exciting things about your new school and making new friends. Its going to be a great year, and this orientation will help you learn everything your school has to offer. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

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